Webinar: Seeing is Believing – Live Demonstration of VIOSO software

November 10, 2020
12:00 am


Free webinar: Seeing is Believing!

Join us for our first webinar together: Seeing is Believing, on November 10th from 3pm to 4pm GMT

In this free webinar, our partner VIOSO will present the latest developments of their projection magic.

Being a leader in auto alignment and calibration for multi-projection systems, Dr. Sergey Kovyryalov, Director of VIOSO Simulation, will dig into the magic of dynamic eye-point correction in real-time for your visual display systems.

He will demo in real time the basics of VIOSO camera based calibration and unveil what is possible to do when using VIOSO warp and blend and tracking correction for simulation and realtime engines such as Unreal & Unity engines as well as with rFpro, the state-of-the art driving simulation software.