AGI software serves as a foundation for space protection applications.

Out of the box, the software delivers technically accurate analysis and compelling visualisation at a low total cost of ownership. Here's why:

Ready today

Using AGI's commercial software eliminates the time and cost of reinvention and increases productivity of existing ressources. The software's open architecture easily integrates with existing infrastructure and serves as a basis for standardisation.


The software is independently validated and verified; used operationally in missions worldwide; installed and accredited on multiple defence and intelligence networks and tested daily by a dedicated AGI test team. Top defence, intelligence and space organisations have depended on it for 25 years in "can't be wrong" situations such as collision avoidance and manned space missions.


  • Conjunction assessment
  • Co-orbital ASAT analysis
  • Direct ascent ASAT analysis
  • Space weather effects
  • Laser threat analysis
  • New foreign launch analysis
  • RFI/jamming analysis
  • Maneuver detection
  • Debris modelling and vulnerability assessment
  • Proximity operations

Flexible licencing and pricing

With AGI software, there are no unexpected fees or cost overruns. The product line is constructed os that users buy only what they need and add capabilities as required.

Organisations and government programmes can obtain unlimited on-demand access to the entire product line, which comes as desktop applications, application engines and components - all with flexible licencing and pricing options as well as free entry points.

Organisations using AGI software for space protection include:

  • Air Force Research Laboratory
  • Joint Functional Component Command for Space
  • National Air and Space Intelligence Center
  • National Reconnaissance Office
  • Primer contractors including Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman

Contact us to find out more.