Each and every member of the ST Engineering Antycip team brings their own unique flavour to the solutions we provide.

We want to take the time to celebrate the individuals who not only make up Antycip, but who are Antycip.

Today, we meet Amir.

Hello, Amir. Can you first tell us a bit about yourself?

Amir: Hi, I’m Amir. I was born in Shiraz, Iran and moved to the UK to pursue higher education. I did my bachelor’s at Queen Mary University of London in Aerospace Engineering, followed by a master’s in Simulation Aerospace Engineering.

I have loved to travel since I was young with my first independent international trip at the age of 15 and now have been to more countries than the value of my age. I’m also quite into cooking.

Amir Khosh

How did you find adapting to life in the UK?

Amir: Initially it was hard. I didn’t know how to speak English so I started working as a lifeguard and then in retail to help with learning the culture and language, and also to make some money on the side. When you can’t speak anything, you learn to understand and develop other skills and senses.

Having always been into sports, I picked up a new challenge to learn Scuba Diving and just earlier this year, I received my certification as an International Rescue Diver from the British Sub-Aqua Club.

Congratulations. That’s an amazing achievement.

Amir: Thanks. When I was 20, I also decided to visit more countries than my age, just as an excuse to travel and so any chance I get, I visit a new country/territory and see where it takes me. I’m quite adventurous so I like to visit less touristy locations in the world and spend time with local people from the region. I also keep an eye out for places to dive if I can.

Amir Khosh

Nice. So can you tell us a bit about what you do at ST Engineering Antycip?

Amir: So I joined ST Engineering Antycip 4 years ago and work in commercial sales to help grow the business.

Funnily enough, when I was still studying at uni, I worked in sales whilst I was trying to boost my English. I then became an engineer after graduation, but started to miss the commercial side and exposure to different projects.

So when I found out about Antycip and realised I could combine these two aspects, I was all in.

And what does a typical day look like to you?

Amir: I like to start off every day with some kind of physical activity. Maybe a sport or the gym.

And then the first half of my day is set aside for me to focus on current live projects that I’m either leading or involved in. The second is generally spent looking for business opportunities and finding/expanding our pipeline for growth. You know, networking, going to events, conferences, cold calling, emailing, etc.

I really believe that someone’s net worth is their network, and every day I try to look for new people to network with and introduce what we can do as a company to. This helps me build a better tomorrow and not just work for today.

As a person, I’m quite spontaneous, often unexpected things happen and need to be dealt with straightaway, so I like to be in a position where I can overcome challenges and stay level-headed with everything else.

After work, ideally, I’m all about detoxing, getting away from the screen. Maybe some socialising, more sport or gym depending on how I feel.

man with virtual goggles

What would you say is your favourite part of the job?

Amir: Well, as I mentioned, I love the combination of the technical aspect, the business and strategy side.

But I also really enjoy learning and speaking about the latest and greatest with likeminded people. But in most cases, I love teaching and discussing such topics with potential clients that need help understanding the art of the possible. Because we’re always introducing the latest technologies to people, I often have to explain how certain things work or how they might benefit them. Some people may find this part tedious, but I honestly think it’s really satisfying.

And we’re lucky to have you. Final question, and possibly the most important one:

Do you have any party tricks or hidden talents?

Amir: Hmmm, you’ve really put me on the spot, but there’s none that I can think of right now.

I will tell you something interesting and perhaps cliché. After I started working here, I was involved in a VR project for Queen Mary University. The same aerospace department that I had studied in. In the same building for wind tunnel studies.

Experiencing something like that coming full circle. It doesn’t get much better than that.

And people don’t get much better than you, Amir. Thank you for your time.

Amir: Thank you.