Laval Virtual 2019 gathered 18,000 members of the VR/AR Community during a three-day inspiring Business to Business focussed exhibition and conference programme in the north-west French town of Laval. Antycip was at Laval Virtual to exhibit and our team also walked the show floor to look for the five key trends in virtual reality. Laval Virtual

Top 5 VR & AR trends spotted at Laval Virtual

VR is gaining more and more importance :

VR is continuing to grow as it is becoming easier to take a customer’s data-set into a virtual interactive environment. We believe this trend will continue to influence the drive for large immersive displays, as users shift to more collaborative working on projects that use their data sets

VR collaboration :

We will also see more users linking virtual environments between sites in different geographical locations and between an increasing number of different display technologies. VR will become more user friendly and simpler to adopt into a companies workflow, reducing travel so organisations can lower their carbon footprints and costs, connecting more organisations together and enabling more users to have a dynamic experience within their virtual datasets.

Multiview 3D stereo :

Multipoint of view projectors, like the VD4K40-RGB dual point of view projector by Christie, enable true collaboration. It makes it possible for a single projector to accommodate multiple viewers, each being tracked and each having their own view of the image, remaining at 1:1 scale whatever their position. It is the single biggest hardware innovation for VR projection systems in years. When used with collaboration software like TechViz XL, users see and interact in a truly shared manner.

Ultra short throw projection technologies :

If you were at Laval Virtual, you will have seen this technology on our booth.
Ultra-short throw (UST) projection technology is advancing quickly, with classrooms, boardrooms, meeting venues and retail stores driving demand for large format screens without the space-hungry throw distances or shadow-casting problems of standard throw projectors, for both front and rear projection.

Mixed reality headsets and interactive technologies :

The physical and digital elements are being merged in ways that facilitate interaction amongst the real and virtual world, thinning the boundaries between both worlds. Led by major headset technologies like HoloLens, Oculus and Pimax, Mixed Reality is advancing by offering a stronger combination of human and environment interaction through haptic gloves, touch sensors, temperature feel, motion platforms and much more.


In summary, VR and AR both continue to prove their worth at reducing risk and cost associated with training, and are going to see a rapid pace of adoption in industries involving work with expensive tools and equipment, collaboration or hazardous conditions. Want to stay up to date with what we're doing? Follow us on TwitterLinkedInFacebook and Instagram.