Football has been described as a weak link sport, as teams succeed when all their players are above average. Basketball, on the other hand, is a strong link sport, as one star-player can make all the difference. Which is professional grade projection & display solutions? Weak link or strong link? At ST Engineering Antycip (formerly known as Antycip Simulation) we often use the very latest technology in our projection & display work, bringing the newest manufacturer’s innovations to our clients, to help them get the best and the most from their projects. Antycip’s experience in handling such cutting-edge hardware, where the products can be operating at the extremes of their performance envelopes, is that each technology becomes more reliant on the others in the projection & display solution. For example, when it comes to the requirements of delivering stereoscopic, high frame rate signals at resolutions like WQXGA and 4K, the projector, the image generator AND the connecting cables need to all work together, and at their highest capabilities. From this experience, Antycip, while having established partnerships with leading projector and graphic card companies, has sort out and embraced cable manufacturers, like Ophit, which work with fibre-optic based technologies. Through partnering with them, testing new products and feeding back on new challenges that we’ve encountered, we are supporting them in delivering ever more capable and more refined product solutions. So, at the very highest level, where Antycip works, a professional grade projection & display solution is a weak-link sport. Want to stay up to date with what we’re doing? Follow us on TwitterLinkedInFacebook and Instagram.