16th NATO CA²X² Forum – 2021 Virtual Event

October 4, 2021
2:00 pm


Computer-Assisted Analysis, Exercise And Experimentation


ST Engineering Antycip will be attending the 2021 NATO CA²X² Forum (Computer Assisted Analysis, Exercise, Experimentation), organized by the NATO Modelling and Simulation Centre of Excellence!


This year’s main theme will be: “Shaping NATO’s Future Modelling and Simulation Capabilities”.

ST Engineering Antycip will be participating in this event by presenting abstracts and workshops during the week.


Our Telecommunication Engineer, Marco Pelusi, will also be making a presentation on ” Network Digital Twins for 21st Century Wargaming“.


From the 5th to the 7th we will be hosting workshops which will allow you to get an overview of the wide variety of solutions we can offer!


Main topics will include :

  • Support for Air domain training and exercises
  • Visualization and XR for an immersive training
  • Plus an update from the global leader in modelling and simulation software, MAK Technologies!


And of course we will be ready to welcome you on our virtual booth the whole week to chat with you and introduce you to our latest innovations!

NATO CA2X2 Forum