Event Finished

LuBeC 2022

October 6, 2022
9:00 am


International Summit on Immersive Art


ST Engineering Antycip presented for the second time at LuBeC 2022 in October in Lucca, Italy! Thanks to our expertise in immersive systems, we presented How Immersive Technologies can Support Cultural Environments.


LuBeC, Lucca Beni Culturali, is an annual meeting that promotes cultural development for the growth, competitiveness, innovation and growth of the Italy and its territories. This year is the second time that LuBeC will play host to ISIE, the International Summit of Immersive Experience, where immersive systems will be explored as both a tool to amplify and modulate the impact of cultural messages and an artistic expression with an autonomous language and its own interpreters.

Event’s details:


Date: 6th and 7th October 2022


Venue: Real Collegio di Lucca, Lucca (Italy).


Event website: https://www.lubec.it/


The event will also be live-streamed on https://fad.fondazionescuolapatrimonio.it/