R&D & Training: Achieving An Immersive Experience!

November 20, 2021
2:00 pm


R&D & Training: Achieving An Immersive Experience!


Please join us for this informative event highlighting how some of our clients take full advantage of our professional grade simulation solutions to address their specific training and research requirements for Defence and Commercial focuses.


Learn how the French Aerospace Lab ONERA has incorporated a new flight simulator targeted to address both the pilot and co-pilots unique perspectives for a more engaging level of collaborative immersion!

During this event supported by our manufacturer BARCO, we aim to demonstrate how investment in the right technologies can improve the effectiveness of training and help organisations to develop & test their latest equipment and innovations in a safer, faster and more productive virtual environment.

Ultimately we wish to show how visually engaging and impactful displays can deliver against real-world goals!


We hope you can participate!


More details below


Welcome & Introduction
BARCO: A journey through immersive technologies : What to consider when creating an immersive environment?
Case studies
ONERA, The French Aerospace Lab
SIMDAV, Defence Simulators for the French Navy
A glimpse of the new F400-HR
Q&A session