Our partner Scalable Network Technologies releases a new version of Network Defense Trainer

Scalable Network Technologies Network Defense Trainer (NDT) 3.0 offers improved features and enhancements to increase productivity in the Cyber Range Environment. Our partner Scalable Network Technologies, specialists in wireless network design and optimisation products, recently announced the availability of version 3.0 of Network Defense Trainer (NDT), its innovative cyber training system. NDT integrates real and simulated cyber-attacks, wired & wireless networks, live & virtual equipment & applications, and traditional kinetic warfare training simulators into a full, instrumented, synthetic cyber warfare training environment. The NDT 3.0 release includes the ability to support features from EXATA 6.2 to be used in exercise preparation. This allows cyber warriors, network administrators, and command staff to visualise results in a new way while improving productivity and gaining a better understating of the impact of a cyber-attack on their network and applications. NDT 3.0 also gives users the ability to better analyse dense deployment scenarios such as urban environments, by providing detailed information on the effects of environmental factors including weather, terrain, and building materials on coverage and signal propagation. This will improve the awareness, reaction time and ability to complete missions for users, as they work through degraded cyber environments. New Functionality
The NDT 3.0 release contains new features and performance improvements:
  • Wider computing platform support. Now available on Windows 10 and Ubuntu 16.04
  • Enhanced simulation engine and updates from EXata 6.2 including 802.11ax PHY and MAC Models to better model high node count and complex urban environments
  • Improved audio chat capability with broader browser support
  • Ability to customise and select multiple cyber-attacks from the library during exercise preparation
  • Expanded attack editor in Visualiser to provide additional attack information
  • Improved UI layout to simplify exercise control
  • Added selective mute functionality to suppress chat notifications during training sessions
Find out more about Network Defense Trainer here