SCALABLE Networks provides network design, modelling and analysis tools, cyber training systems and engineering support services to commercial enterprises, government and defence agencies, research organisations and educational institutions around the world. SCALABLE Networks announced the releases of QualNet 9.1 and EXata 7.1. The updated versions of SCALABLE’s advanced network modelling and simulation tools offer new Enterprise-level modelling and visualisation capabilities with an advanced, easy-to-use interface. These Enterprise improvements include router and data centre models, edge technologies such as Wifi and encryption and improved cyber-attack models for Supervisor Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) networks. It also extends its market leadership in Wireless models, Indoor Urban Propagation, L3 Switching and Cyber Tools. "SCALABLE continues to expand its network digital twin technology to improve management, performance and cyber resilience of networks in all domains, from commercial enterprise IoT to military networked systems operating from seabed to space," stated Dr. Rajive Bagrodia,  Scalable Networks' Founder and CEO. "The SCALABLE team remains focused on developing simulation technology and products to replicate live networks using high fidelity software models that align with the needs of our global customers.”

New and enhanced functionalities

To find out more about QualNet 9.1 and EXata 7.1 new functionalities and new features, download the full Press Release via the form on the right. Both the QualNet 9.1 and EXata 7.1 network design and optimisation tools are available now. The upgrades are available free of charge to all customers covered under a current software maintenance agreement via their online download page.