Picture a half-sphere, flattened at its two poles, giving 180 degrees of view, with no vertical sides or joins, and an area big enough to accommodate twenty people in a shared collaborative, face to face, virtual reality experience.

You are picturing TORE – The Open Reality Experience, and, perhaps, the evolution of the VR CAVE, from Antycip Simulation.
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This completely new design, with a screen curved in two dimensions and devoid of edges, is a significant technological evolution, compared to existing flat sided VR CAVEs. The unique shape improves the comfort of the VR user, decreases their visual fatigue, and more readily reinforces the immersion in the virtual world being projected. TORE was recently opened to key stakeholders, partners, and press, at the University of Lille, France, to universal acclaim. The Antycip team, lead by Johan Besnainou, our Director for France and Spain, worked closely with the University of Lille, from the initial concept discussions at the very end of 2013, through proof of concept tests, final design approval, installation, and testing, to the inauguration event. TORE This work included the production of the unique screen, the selection of the necessary technologies and products (PC, projectors, software, tracking system, 3D active glasses), to the applications the University is using TORE for. The size of the structure, its rigidity and need for homogeneity, represented many technical challenges that were solved through the experience and expertise of Antycip’s team; The screen represented a unique challenge, being a rigid acrylic spherical shape. It is composed of ten elements, or petals, glued together with liquid acrylic. Once the elements had been assembled, the whole screen was sanded to obtain a homogeneous surface, without visible joins. The Antycip team then tested different layers of coating, before opting for the one that offered the best performance. TORE Once mounted, the structure was completed with twenty Christie Tri-DLP projectors. To bring these projectors together, Antycip worked with one of its software partners, Scalable Display Technologies, to tackle the challenge of warping and blending twenty projectors onto TORE’s unique screen, to create one, cohesive and immersive hi-resolution virtual reality display. TORE VR Cave With TORE, Antycip Simulation has delivered a unique, immersive system, to the University of Lille, which will be used in sectors such as architecture, history, construction, design, automotive, aeronautics and energy. If you would like to find out more about TORE, please contact your Antycip Simulation account manager or visit your regional Antycip office.