It was great to meet our customers and partners at I/ITSEC 2018

As always, I/ITSEC was a busy show for our team, with customer meetings and updates from our partners. I/ITSEC 2018 Among the companies present at the show was our sister company VT MAK with its recently appointed President and CEO, Bill Cole. VT MAK was showcasing a full range of innovations:
  1. Integrated Training System: The entire suite of MAK products brought together to form a complete training system.
  2. MAK Cloud: For the first time, the entire MAK Suite was hosted in the public Cloud – accessible from anywhere.
  3. Mixed Reality Flight Simulator with VR-engage.
  4. Sensor Operator Simulator newest role in VR-Engage to operate gimbaled sensors hosted on any platform.
  5. MAK Earth has a new Kilo2 MOUT site and nearby training areas – part of the whole Earth terrain with new content for military training scenarios.
I/ITSEC was also the perfect venue for Barco to launch its new LED-based projector, the FL40, to the simulation community.
  • With 100% solid-state LED illumination and no moving parts, the FL40 is designed from the ground up for the simulation environment’s rigorous training requirements.
  • Additionally, visitors were able to hear the power and benefits of the Barco AudioCue system, paired with 3 x F70-4K6 projectors on a spherical screen.
John Mould, Commercial Development Manager at Antycip, stated that I/ITSEC was the perfect place for showcasing such “Next generation solid state projection technologies”. Scalable Network Technologies
Network Defense Trainer Our team was also very pleased to meet Rajive Bagrodia, CEO of our partner Scalable Network Technologies.
Scalable Network Technologies was at I/ITSEC showcasing version 3.0 of Network Defense Trainer along with major technical papers to our visiting customers from Europe: Network Defense Trainer integrates real and simulated cyber-attacks, wired and wireless networks, live & virtual equipment & applications, and traditional kinetic warfare training simulators into a full, instrumented, synthetic cyber warfare training environment. Version 3.0 allows cyber warriors, network administrators, and command staff to visualise results in a new way while improving productivity and gaining a better understating of the impact of a cyber attack on their network and applications. If you would like to find out more about this year’s I/ITSEC, please contact your Antycip account manager or email us.