ST Engineering Antycip Makes First European Vortex Edge Max Sale to German Construction Training Specialist

The Vortex Edge Max simulators – created by ST Engineering Antycip’s strategic partner, CM Labs – have been purchased by German construction industry education and training specialist, Bau Bildung Sachsen.

Paris, France, 14th September 2020 – Bau Bildung Sachsen (BBS), the competence centre for construction machine technology in the Free State of Saxony (Germany), has taken delivery of six of CM Labs’ Vortex Edge Max simulators to help train the next generation of construction workers in the region.

The construction equipment training simulators will be used at BBS’s Glauchau location, where they will help facilitate initial vocational training in over 20 trades in the construction industry, including exercises to support fine motor skills, endurance, and accuracy when using heavy machinery.

The deal came about thanks to a three-way partnership between ST Engineering Antycip, CM Labs, and KRS Solutions.

“After learning about the public tender, we developed the bidding strategy, then brought CM Labs in to take care of the quotes,” said KRS Solutions CEO Kevin Reiter. “After that, it was a case of working with ST Engineering Antycip to develop the proposal. Once they’d officially answered the public tender, we were responsible for all communications with the customer and make sure they remained satisfied throughout the process.”

With the deal in place, ST Engineering Antycip worked with CM Labs to organise logistics, before teaming back up with KRS to complete the installation. Given their shared language, KRS Solutions stepped in to help BBS with all of the requisite training and front-line support.

Vortex Edge Max the Perfect Choice for BBS

Packed with CM Labs’ award-winning technology, the Vortex Edge Max simulator is a world class tool that helps to develop transferable operator skills.

With a rugged, stripped down design that minimises simulator costs, the Vortex Edge Max is built to the same uncompromising standard that has made CM Labs the largest construction simulator vendor in the world.

The simulator comes bundled with a full fleet of cranes, CM Labs’ complete earthmoving catalogue, or both, for a total of 10 machines in one unit. BBS decided that the full package would be ideal for its broad offering, making the simulator’s versatility one of the key factors in choosing the Vortex Edge Max.

The simulator’s heavy duty controls are designed to run any machine, and the screen rotates to provide an optimal field of view for every piece of equipment.

“The benefits of using virtual training methods are myriad,” said Enrico Salcuni, sales manager for Italy-DACH, ST Engineering Antycip. “They provide a secure and granted return on investment, as well as allowing operators to train in a safe and hazard free environment. These systems are becoming more and more common among companies, schools, and training centres alike, and I would suggest that everyone try it first-hand.”

The Vortex Edge Max simulators were delivered to BBS fully embedded with CM Labs’ Smart Training Technology and a motion platform that replicates the feel of the real equipment, as well as best-in-class visuals and exercises that replicate work site conditions.

“The graphics, motion feedback, and dynamics are all so well defined and accurate that it really feels as if the trainees are operating a real machine,” continued Salcuni. “This method can really help institutions to save money on equipment, fuel, and maintenance, as well as enabling you to make mistakes that, in the real world, would be dangerous or even catastrophic. Trainees can learn from these mistakes, improve, and return to their families safe and sound; for this reason alone, the Vortex Edge Max is invaluable.”

BBS’s business unit manager, Holger Oerter, was full of praise for the support shown by KRS Solutions and ST Engineering Antycip.

“Between them, the support both companies provided was incredibly fast and of very high quality, both physically and on an online basis,” he said. “The construction equipment operation trainers have given very positive feedback, reserving particular praise for the realistic and practical simulation the CM Labs simulators provide.”

Following the success of this deal, ST Engineering Antycip and KRS Solutions have joined forces again to co-organise events starting on the 7th of October 2020 at AST (Arbeitssicherheit & Technik Pappelauer) GmbH’s showroom in Blaustein, where there will be an opportunity to get hands-on with the Vortex Edge Max simulators. Please email Kevin Reiter ( for more information or book one of the limited spots here.


Since 1996, ST Engineering Antycip (formerly Antycip Simulation) has supported customers across the globe, in defence, academia, commerce and industry, to become better at what they do. As an expert provider of simulation, analysis, modelling, display and virtual reality solutions, ST Engineering Antycip combines its in-house technical expertise with an unrivalled range of products from software and hardware providers. ST Engineering Antycip is a subsidiary of ST Engineering’s electronics sector. For more information, visit