Antycip, European leader in professional grade projection and display solutions, announced that its virtual reality installation project at IndustriLAB was opened to the public and users as part of the inauguration ceremony of IndustriLAB, on May 21, 2015. IndustriLAB, located in Méaulte in the Picardy region of Northern France, is a public and private financed centre, initiated by the Regional Council of Picardy, for research, innovation, training and technology transfer. Designed to cater for all industrial sectors, and company sizes, IndustriLAB was officially inaugurated on Thursday, May 21, 2015. More than 150 industrialists, engineers, researchers and other academic stakeholders were present at the event. With Cédric Gautier, CEO of Stelia Aerospace, a subsidiary of Airbus, a key partner in the project, commenting “This is a great day for Picardy, Stelia Aerospace and industry in general. IndustriLAB is the realisation of the factory of the future”. He went onto add “IndustriLAB fully addresses our two main needs: Innovation and training. Through synergy and the pooling of resources we develop innovative projects, and it is through training that we raise our skills. Combined, they allow us to increase our competitiveness.” A key part of IndustriLAB is the 300 square metre virtual reality suite, advised, designed and installed by Antycip. With this suite, companies can develop and test their innovations with confidence before committing to manufacture. Saving time, money and waste. The virtual reality suite consists of a twelve channel, four faced cubic CAVE (floor, back, left and right walls), and a glass PowerWall, and is installed over two floors of the building to accommodate the projectors, and the PC cluster for graphics generation and user tracking. Installation was carried out by a team from Antycip, with involvement of IndustriLAB. Johan Besnainou, Director at Antycip, commented “This was a fantastic project to be a part of. IndustriLAB is a key driver for innovation and research in the Picardy region, and the virtual reality suites, that we have advised on, designed and installed, are a key part of IndustriLAB. Additionally, this was a great display of both our VR engineering expertise and our ability to bring together technologies, from our partners, into a powerful, effective solution ”