Merlin Flight Simulation have teamed with ST Engineering Antycip

They have provided Swansea University School of Engineering with an outstanding visual system upgrade for their MP521 Engineering Flight Simulator.

The visual system upgrade will provide worldwide geotypical terrain, with generic runways and approach lighting on all airfields on the worldwide terrain. Also upgraded graphics for the specific airports of Gatwick and Heathrow, plus upgraded high definition graphics for a set of aircraft to represent the ’other aircraft’ when the systems are linked to flying the same scene, so that any ’pilot’ will be able to see the ’other aircraft’ in the scenario if they are in visual range.

The Genesis software created by US company Diamond Visionics, and distributed in Europe by Antycip, creates hi-fidelity 60hz terrain images directly from GIS source data, on the fly - which means that accurate, detailed terrain databases for anywhere on the planet can be produced almost instantly.

Currently, Swansea’s visual scene has a Head Up Display (HUD) - which is also being upgraded in the new package with the benefit to the University that will include new instrumentation displays. Overall, this upgrade extends the capability of Swansea University to add and create new levels of detail within the Visual and Instrumentation, which will extend the usability of their Flight Simulation Suite in the Undergraduate and the Research areas.

Swansea University

John Mould, Commercial Development Manager at Antycip, said "Genesis is a superb choice by the Swansea team, as it will further enhance their flight simulator capabilities. Antycip is very proud to have partnered with Merlin Flight Simulation Group, and to share our respective professional expertise with The College of Engineering at Swansea University."

Professor Johann Sienz, Deputy Head of Swansea’s College of Engineering, and Director of Learning and Teaching said "Swansea University’s College of Engineering is a world-leading teaching and research College. The facilities and equipment available for students at our brand new Bay Campus will be truly state-of-the-art, and we are delighted to be the first university in the world to house the upgraded MP521 Engineering Flight Simulator."