
The Bristol Port Company




10-screen Vortex Master Simulator with motion platform

Largest Port Simulation System For The Bristol Port Company

State-of-the-art crane simulator

At The Bristol Port Company, safety is paramount. By embracing cutting edge technology, their team at the Safety & Training Centre hope to further build on their safety culture and provide comprehensive training with the help of their new crane simulator! By replicating real-life scenarios in a controlled environment, their instructors can provide effective training that prepares operators for any situation – reducing risk and improving safety.

The simulator – a top-of-the-line 10-screen Vortex Master Simulator with motion platform seat – is capable of running many different types of port equipment training modules, such as the Mobile Harbour Crane (HMC) training module; the Ship to Shore (STS) Crane training module; the Rubber Tyre Gantry (RTG) Crane training module; and the Ship Pedestal Crane (SPC) training module.

Prevention Rather Than Cure

By replicating incidents and accidents seen throughout the industry on the simulator, the team at The Bristol Port Company can now highlight the essential learning outcomes to prevent future mistakes. Above all, it allows the trainees to develop a comprehensive skillset in a safe, controlled learning environment prior to entering what is undoubtedly a challenging, busy, and demanding work environment for operators.

Candidates gain both the knowledge and practical skills required to successfully operate live plant and equipment without the risk of making mistakes or the pressure of meeting time restraints often present in operations, as well as the ability to simulate scenarios that are not possible to replicate on a real crane.

The simulator has enabled The Bristol Port Company’s instructors to deliver a level of training far beyond the constraints of a classroom. They can now replicate challenging real-life scenarios in a safe, controlled training simulated environment for novice to advanced operators.

The company is already beginning to see the dividends of this cutting-edge technology.

Together with CM Labs, we are now able to support The Bristol Port Company in achieving great results with their newest training tool.