There is a well-documented skilled labour shortage impacting many sectors in the UK, with the Open University’s Business Barometer recording that over 60% of business leaders reporting that the skills shortage has worsened. The construction sector in the UK alone generates around €108 billion annually, but it is facing the challenge of a skills shortage, as its retirement rate increases. It is finding it difficult to attract younger recruits with the right skills, or even the willingness to train. On top of that, construction operator training can be costly and time consuming. The companies operating in the construction sectors that wish to attract fresh talent are finding ways of making operator training more cost effective, rapid, safe and attractive. This also helps the skills shortage in the industry which has limited the construction initiatives while increasing the labour costs. Advanced construction operator simulation training technology offers advanced, accessible training techniques to construction companies to support their recruitment and talent development. Heavy equipment training simulators reduces training time and capital costs, while ensuring safer training, and better prepared operators in the construction industry. There is no argument that operators need to be thoroughly and comprehensively trained. Training recruits to the level of work site-ready crane and heavy equipment operators is essential for a safe construction industry. In this ebook, we will focus on understanding simulation technology & measuring the benefits before you jump in. You will learn about:
  • The direct costs associated with operator training
  • The factors impacting the costs of traditional training
  • The savings that simulation can provide right out of the gate
  • ROI of simulation-based construction equipment training
Download the Cost Benefit Analysis of Simulation-based Operator Training ebook