Getting a project right is a constant challenge; situations change, stakeholders need ongoing reassurance, and the project scope can move.

Help with managing these challenges is what ST Engineering Antycip (formerly Antycip Simulation) do. Working with customers from the very start of a project, our Study & Design Consultancy service brings nearly two decades of experience and expertise to bear. Helping qualify, quantify and define the project, and then helping keep it on track.


This support covers the provision of simulation and training COTS software tools, projection systems and engineering services, and extends from project management to training and maintenance.

Ultimately, this service helps customers design, create and fully integrate projection & display systems, simulation & training solutions, and analysis and modelling tools, so whatever the task, they can get the most from it.


Drawing on over twenty years of expertise, we can design, source and install anywhere your project needs us to.

Our work has taken us across the globe, with projects as far away as Australia and as close to home as our neighbours.

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